MIAMI (WSVN) - Billionaire businessman Elon Musk has chosen Miami for a landmark project that hopes to offer hope to people who are paralyzed.

Neuralink, a device that links the human brain to computers, will open a clinical trial site for its brain-computer interface.

Musk said he wants the device to focus on giving people with quadriplegia, or paralysis, the ability to control computers and devices with their thoughts.

“Ultimately, I think you’ll be able to do conceptual telepathy, like where you can communicate entire concepts uncompressed to someone else with a Neuralink or to the computer,” said Musk.

The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis and the Department of Neurological Surgery at the University of Miami will be the second U.S. site, along with an Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, to participate in research.

“This combination represents another great opportunity to combine our clinical research expertise with the forward thinking team at Neuralink,” said UM Miller School of Medicine Dr. Dalton Dietrich.

Neuralink scientists and a team of specialists at the Miami Project and Miller School of Medicine will implant the device in local participants.

The president of the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, Marc Buoniconti, said this collaboration will inspire hope for those like him.

“We hope this represents another important avenue to finding solutions for the millions living with paralysis,” said Buoniconti.

Last year, two patients received implants with these devices.

The first patient showed the device’s ability to help him play chess, as well as other games online, by imagining the cursor moving where he wants it to be.

Last month, the company announced a third person received an implant.

“It won’t be all that long before someone with a Neuralink device can communicate faster than someone who has a fully functional body,” said Musk.

Patients who have limited or no ability to use both hands due to a severe spinal cord injury, or ALS, will be able to participate in the study.

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