Big business stiffed small business
A well-known South Florida health food store bought many of their gluten-free bakery items from a small one-of-a-kind bakery. Then they refused to pay theRead More

Property looks like a jungle
It’s a house you have to see to believe. Left looking like a jungle after being abandoned for 15 years. And despite years of complaintsRead More

Is your property grandfathered in?
If a law changes and your property doesn’t meet the new code, is it grandfathered in, so you don’t have to change anything? Well, itRead More

Are you entitled to unemployment?
She was laid off and filed for unemployment four months ago, but still can’t get what she is owed. So who is entitled to unemployment?Read More

Who is responsible when your condo is damaged during recertification or regular maintenance?
His condo was going through recertification and restoration like many are. Then, when the shutters on his unit were damaged, he was told he hadRead More

Bank won’t release funds and won’t say why
Her father left his two children money, but the bank that had it wouldn’t release it and refused to tell them why. Legal or not?Read More

Can you break a contract if a home’s value changes?
They signed a contract to buy a house that was under construction. When the house was finished, the developer told them they’d have to payRead More

ID thief bought 2 cars in his name
He got a surprise: finding out he owned two new cars. But he didn’t buy them. Crooks used his name to do that. It’s whyRead More

What happened after Help Me Howard aired wedding stories?
A newlywed said she never got the wedding video she paid for, and a couple was forced to go to great lengths to get aRead More

What Happened To???
A woman is accused of trying to take her ex-boyfriend’s house. An officer is accused of blocking the windows of a neighbor’s house. What happenedRead More