DORAL, FLA. (WSVN) - Miami-Dade Public Schools hosted a groundbreaking ceremony Tuesday morning at J.C. Bermudez Doral Senior High school to celebrate the start of a $36.2 million renovation.
The project included the introduction of a new three-story building with 85,000 square feet, totaling 617 new student stations, a 2,000 seat capacity gymnasium, a Little Theater/ Black Box Theater, a gymnastics dance studio, and a multi purpose room.
In addition, there will also be four vocational tech labs, 12 general classrooms, and four science classrooms.
The Miami-Dade superintendent said academics is just part of the overall learning experience.
“Students don’t come to school necessarily to just learn language arts or science or math, but to connect to their teachers to be part of something big in their life,” said Dr. Jose L. Dotres.
Additionally, the existing Building Two will be renovated with kitchen improvements, a covered dining area, a weight room, and renovations to the wrestling room. Additionally, there will be new covered walkways.
These school bond projects were made possible by voter approval of the $1.2 billion General Obligation Bond in 2012.
Funds from the bond are being used to modernize and construct school buildings throughout the District, expand student capacity, enhance facility safety, and provide technology upgrades at all schools.
Officials hope the project will be completed by next summer.
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