KEY LARGO, FLA. (WSVN) - A Homestead woman is behind bars after, police said, she left two children alone at the beach including one who had to be saved from nearly drowning.

According to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, 28-year-old Yavelin Fernandez left her 3-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son alone on the beach at Gilbert’s Resort in Key Largo.

Deputies said officials were called to the scene after the girl had to be pulled from the water by a Good Samaritan. The girl, according to officials, was not wearing any flotation devices and appeared to be drowning on a security video.

After a brief search, deputies were able to locate Fernandez who appeared to be intoxicated. Officials said she also became belligerent and yelled at deputies.

Fernandez was arrested and charged with child neglect.

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