DAVIE, FLA. (WSVN) - A decades-old mystery has finally been solved. The clues to the whereabouts of a missing mother were recently found in a car in a Davie canal.
After more than 20 years of waiting and wondering, a daughter now has some sense of closure in this missing person’s case.
“She was always so dedicated to me. Every free moment that she got we were always going to do stuff, like going to the zoo. Everything was always centered around making sure I had the best childhood possible,” said Christina Baber, the woman’s daughter.
But it all seemed to end in June 2001, when then 8-year-old Christina came home from a girl scout camp.
“I arrived home on her birthday, which was June 27. She did not come to pick me up. She wasn’t there,” said Baber.
Karen Moore, who was 53 years old at the time of her disappearance, left behind her only child; the mother mysteriously vanished along with her white 1999 Saturn.
No clues and no information was found for 22 years.
“It’s been pretty difficult. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs in life, a lot of lows. Ended up in foster care at one point,” said Baber. “Definitely the last 10 years or so I’ve had a lot of higher moments in life.”
“Every life moment that every little girl hopes and dreams for, you know, to have their mother with them. My own birthdays, when I got engaged and married, now I have two kids, they don’t get to know their grandmother,” said Baber.
On Jan. 6, YouTuber Britain Lockhart, whose page Depths of History chronicles his efforts to dive bodies of water in search of treasure, clues to mysteries as well as missing persons, teamed up with Mike Sullivan with Sunshine State Sonar to dive lakes and retention ponds in Broward.
Both do this as volunteers, hoping to provide answers for grieving families, and in this retention pond near Davie Road and Nova Drive they got a hit.
“The license plate was under 3 feet of muck,” said Lockhart.
“This was before Publix was even built, so she ended up there during the construction phase of when that pond was being dug out,” said Sullivan.
Davie police pulled the car from the water and Christina said detectives confirmed her mother’s remains were in the car.
“It was a shock. I can’t believe I’m getting this call finally, I think it’s wonderful what they’re doing to bring closure to people like myself. I get to bring her home, and that means everything,” said Baber.
“It’s been a long 22 years, but I get to bring her home,” said Baber.
The Davie Police Department said this is still an active investigation.
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