(CNN Money) — The Philadelphia Eagles could win their first Super Bowl ever on Sunday. But they aren’t the only ones looking forward to a big first.
Kraft, the maker of blue box Macaroni and Cheese, will be airing its first-ever Super Bowl commercial during the game.
For its debut, Kraft is planning to forgo the more traditional route of using celebrity cameos or funny skits. Instead it’s going to feature real people.
The 30-second commercial, which cost the brand roughly $5 million, will be made in real time, using Game Day photos and videos. Users can upload their content to Twitter and Instagram with the hashtags #FamilyGreatly and #KraftEntry between 6 am ET and 8:30 pm ET on Sunday.
“Show Kraft how YOU family— capture how you dance, how you snuggle, how you cheer,” Kraft said in a statement.
The ad will give people the chance to show off their families in front of the 111 million fans watching the big game between the Eagles and the New England Patriots.
“We’re calling on all families, families like yours—however you define it—to show us all the great ways you family. Because as long as you do it with love and conviction, there’s no one right way to family,” said Anne Field, director of brand building.
Kraft plans to air a pre-game TV commercial to explain how to participate.
The Super Bowl ad, which is part of Kraft’s “Family Greatly” campaign, will air during the second half of the game.
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