RIVERDALE, Ga. (AP/WSVN) — Payless Shoes is offering condolences to the family of a 2-year-old girl who died after a mirror inside one of its suburban Atlanta stores fell on top of the girl.
Riverdale police Lt. Nicole Rabel told news outlets that Ifrah Siddique was found severely injured Friday night. The toddler was rushed to a nearby hospital, where she was pronounced dead.
“I feel dead like I am no more … that was my little girl,” the girl’s father, Mohsin Siddique, told Fox 5 Atlanta.
The discount footwear company released a statement Sunday, saying, “Our deepest sympathies go out to the family of Ifrah Siddique during this time of incredible loss. We are devastated by this tragic event and are fully cooperating with authorities to research and understand the nature of this accident. Out of respect for the family, no further information will be provided at this time.”
Latisha Culpatrick works at a neighboring business, and said she called 911 after she heard commotion next door.
“I could hear the crash and the mom screaming. Everybody was crowded around the door. It’s just tragic,” Culpatrick told the station. “I’m sure the mom didn’t think when she was coming in to go shopping she wouldn’t come out with her child. That’s bad. Really bad.”
Rabel says Siddique visited the store to get new shoes with her family before the mirror fell on her.
Siddique’s cousin, Aquib Iftkhar, says the girl had internal bleeding and lost a substantial amount of blood. Iftkhar described Siddique as an adorable little girl.
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