CHICAGO (WSVN) — It was meant to be a baseball-themed gender reveal outside Wrigley Field in Chicago. But it quickly went awry.
Jeffrey Habjan says he spotted the pending reveal and decided to start recording on his cell phone.
The woman, holding a young child, used her free hand to toss the ball in the air. But it went high, and the man attempted to catch it rather than hit it with the bat.
He missed.
Instead of a home-run hit to reveal pink or blue for their baby’s gender, the ball unceremoniously exploded onto the ground in a splatter of blue powder.
“So glad I stopped to film it,” Habjan wrote as he shared the video on Twitter.
His tweet has quickly spread online, getting over 337,000 views in just two days.
Was walking to Wrigley and saw a gender reveal happening, so glad I stopped to film it 😂😂
— Jeffrey Habjan (@the_JazzyJeff) May 13, 2018
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