SOUTH MIAMI, FLA. (WSVN) - A hungry crowd turned out for the fourth annual Wings for Wishes Block Party in South Miami, Saturday, including some members of 7News’ family.
On this special day, scarfing down wings also meant taking a step toward making a child’s wish come true.
The street bash and competition, held at Sports Grill, benefits Make-A-Wish Southern Florida.
“We expect this event to help us grant about 50 wishes in our community,” said Richard Kelly, CEO of Make-A-Wish Southern Florida. “That’s really gratifying, to know that all these people came together to help make that come true.”
“I’m the sports guy. No one cares about me,” said 7Sports reporter Donovan Campbell. “I’m just here because I like food.”
Campbell picked up the mic to interview some familiar faces, led by Team 7 Captain Alex de Armas.
“We worked aggressively, we worked together, we motivated each other through the entire process,” said de Armas.
Team 7 eating “Wings For Wishes!” $200k raised at today’s event … that’s 40 more wishes that will now be granted in #SouthFlorida. @makeawishsfla you will always have our support. Thanks for having us 🍗🌟🍗🌟 #mycommunity
— Alex de Armas (@alexdearmaswsvn) March 11, 2018
The most wings consumed by a Team 7 member was a distinction that went to 7News reporter Rebecca Vargas … or so she thinks.
“You’re the smallest competitor on our team, and I think you might have eaten the most wings. What’s up with that?” asked Campbell.
“I did! I think I ate, like, 15. I was ready to go,” said Vargas. “I was in the zone. I was trying to keep count of it, and I couldn’t. I lost count.”
The competition was fierce, as participants tried to eat as many wings as possible, but Vargas’ valiant effort just didn’t go far enough to get Team 7 the coveted “W.”
7News entertainment reporter and Deco Drive anchor Chris Van Vliet said the competition was all about perspective. “This is part of what I like to call the chicken wing diet,” he said. “The more chicken wings you can eat in the day, the more abs you will have, but at the end of the day, it’s a great event, great wings. I think we should have won.”
In addition to chicken wings, participants enjoyed craft beers, live music and even a special appearance by University of Miami mascot Sebastian the Ibis.
7Weather meteorologist Vivian Gonzalez said that taking part is even more special as a new mother. “As a parent now, all you want to see is a smile on your child’s face,” she said. “To be able to be a part of Team 7 and to be able to grant a wish to a child, it means the world.”
“This whole community has come together for this event to raise funds to grant those wishes,” said de Armas. “It’s a beautiful thing when you’re able to tell a child that their wish is coming true.”
Team 7 may have lost the wing eating contest, but Saturday’s event raised about $200,000. That will be enough to grant the wishes of about 40 children.
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