FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (WSVN) - Ten teachers stood before the Broward County School Board, Monday, pleading for higher wages that they said they have been promised for years.
Broward County teachers wore red T-shirts and packed a school board hearing in regards to their pay.
“I started on a step scale that by now, I should be making $73,000 a year, yet I’m only making $56,000,” said one teacher.
Every seat was taken inside, and dozens more watched from the hallway. “And I have to tell you that I’m out of faith,” said teacher Melissa Falkowski, “and I need to see action, action by this board to show the teachers and this district that you care about us and that you value us.”
The district is leaning more toward a 2.5 percent raise for most teachers, but then they will discontinue a $2,600 stipend, which will essentially nullify the increase in pay. “So what you are offering me is a $1,400 pay cut instead of a pay raise,” Falkowski said.
Both sides presented their case. The district said the money isn’t there, and teachers said they barely make enough to live. “Every time these types of decisions are made, you take food off my table, presents off from under my Christmas tree and diminish the hope that our small family will ever be complete,” Falkowski said tearing up.
The school board has heard from the Teacher’s Union’s representative and as of Monday evening, are discussing the issue.
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