DAVIE, FLA. (WSVN) - Paramedics took a high school student in Davie to the hospital after he was stabbed during a fight, police said.
Davie Police and Fire Rescue responded to the scene at Nova High School, just before 5 p.m., Friday.
Officials said two students got into a fight during dismissal. One of them grabbed a pair of scissors and stabbed the other in the leg.
“It was a little altercation by the portables,” said student Matthew Raphael. “I’m not too sure exactly, but it was a kid with a pair of scissors or knife, I believe, and everybody was trying to jump him, so I heard that he pulled out scissors and cut the other kid. Once I’d seen the fight break out, I saw the kid limping with his leg bleeding and the other kid walking away.”
7Skyforce HD hovered above the scene as medics treated the wounded student.
“There was administration all rushing, police inside, many cop cars,” said student Nicolle Caro, “but we know that they’re doing everything they can to keep us safe, so that’s what matters.”
Paramedics transported the victim to Westside Regional Medical Center with minor injuries.
According to authorities, the suspect involved in the fight turned himself in to police.
The school was briefly put on lockdown while officials worked to clear up the scene. The lockdown has since been lifted.
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