MIAMI (WSVN) - Police have said that they are putting the breaks on dangerous drivers doing donuts and burning rubber on the road, throughout the City of Miami.
“This operation is gonna involve over 23 motormen working long hours,” said Miami Police officer Michael Vega.
Police are calling this Operation Burnout, and they are targeting drivers that are performing stunts, drag races, block traffic and drive aggressively.
“We’ve seen it on social media, we’ve seen it through videos that have been sent to us of vehicles doing donuts in the middle of the intersection, stopping traffic in all directions and busy intersections and doing these donuts, which not only puts their lives in danger, but they also risk those that are around them,” said Vega.
One highly impacted area is right next to FTX Arena in Downtown Miami.
It’s where these stunts led to bullets flying and someone shooting paintballs, which sent crowds running for their safety and left someone hurt.
Residents who wake up to the mayhem said that it is now becoming scary.
“It goes on for 20, 30, 40 minutes, and now they’re shooting in the air,” said one resident.
“When you have people just shooting off guns, without knowing what’s going to happen, you know, one of those guns can go into one of the windows,” said Camilo Monroy, who lives nearby.
Police have also said that there have been two recent crashes that involved people racing or driving at a high rate of speed.
They have said that with a heavier police presence, they are also asking for help getting the reckless drivers out from behind the wheel.
“If you know where they’re going to curve before it does, give us that information, and share it with us,” said Vega.
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