PLANTATION, Fla. (WSVN) — The city of Plantation made headlines with its losing legal battle against a family’s massive Christmas light display, then angered visitors by issuing dozens of parking tickets in the area.
Now one city councilman wants to change Plantation’s Grinch-like image.
According to the Sun-Sentinel, Plantation Police issued more than 80 parking tickets for cars that parked nearby to see the Hyatt family’s festive home. Councilman Jerry Fadgen says he will ask the city to void the tickets and refund those who already paid.
Fadgen told the newspaper it was a “public relations nightmare” for visitors to be ticketed on Christmas.
Plantation Police Chief Howard Harrison said the Hyatt family was warned in advance that visitors who parked in the area would be fined.
Fadgen’s suggestion is on the back burner for now. The Sun-Sentinel article states that the city still has to contend with approximately $17,000 in costs related to their lost legal case against the Hyatts back in October.
The city council has started discussing ideas to handle traffic concerns in the area due to the Christmas display. But Mark Hyatt, who has since become a city councilman himself, would not comment on the issue at the city’s meeting due to a conflict of interest.
Read more on the Sun-Sentinel’s website.
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