NORTHEAST MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - No one was hurt after an elderly woman crashed her vehicle through a Northeast Miami-Dade building.
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue crews responded to a call about a crashed vehicle at the scene near Northeast 185th Street and 14th Avenue just after 10:50 a.m., Thursday.
“Apparently, the driver, instead of hitting the brake, she hit the gas,” a witness said on cellphone video.
Cellphone video taken by a witness showed the moments right after the crash as several people surrounded the vehicle, which had crashed through a waiting room. The office could also be seen with the wall caved in and debris hanging from the ceiling.
“Her whole car is just pinned inside of the building,” a witness said.
7SkyForce HD flew over the scene where a white Toyota sedan could be seen under the covered front entrance of the Atrium Professional Plaza building.
A closer view showed the front half of the sedan crashed into a glass wall of one of the offices.
The waiting room was occupied at the time of the crash, but those inside were not injured.
Several businesses in the building are private doctor’s offices and medical centers.
“She lost control, and her foot went down. That’s what she says, and that she couldn’t stop,” witness Ludwind Martori said. “She ended up going through the wall, breaking the barriers, just going through the window.”
According to a witness on the scene, good Samaritans pulled the elderly driver out through the backseat of the vehicle. The driver was checked out by rescue personnel on the scene.
“I was a little nervous,” Martori said. “I was generally freaked out. I’ve never been that close to something that hectic, so it was definitely something new for me.”
7News cameras captured the driver being picked up by family members and being placed in the back of a black SUV.
The family said they are thankful things did not turn out worse, and they took her to the hospital as a precaution.
The waiting room has since been boarded up with plywood, and the Toyota has been towed from the scene.
Miami-Dade Police also responded to the scene and are investigating the cause of the crash.
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