KEY WEST, FLA. (WSVN) - Key West Police are searching for 32-year-old Ramon Enrique Reyes in connection to a break-in and burglary at a Home Depot on North Roosevelt Blvd.
Reyes has an active warrant on charges of burglary, grand theft and criminal mischief, all committed during a State of Emergency declared by Gov. Rick Scott in response to Hurricane Irma.
Police responded to a break-in at the Home Depot, located on North Roosevelt Blvd., on Sept. 9 at around 10:30 a.m., but the suspect had already fled. A second call came in to police, around 2:30, that the company’s security cameras had captured the same suspect entering the store again.
Reyes was driving a silver Saturn two-door vehicle, which was towed after the incident. He has mailing addresses in Marathon and the Lower Keys.
If you have any information on Reyes’ whereabouts, call Monroe County Crime Stoppers at 800-346-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a reward.
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