PORT EVERGLADES, FLA. (WSVN) - Police cruisers, officers in body armor and ambulances swarmed Port Everglades while first responders simulated a terrorist attack.
The simulation, based off the attack in Nice, France, in 2016, was held, Wednesday morning.
Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue Battalion Chief Michael Kane said, “Today, we simulated a terrorist event here at Port Everglades where a vehicle ran over a bunch of citizens here at the port, and following that, the offenders took hostages.”
Kane said first responders have to be ready just in case an event such as the one in Nice would ever happen.
“You practice like you would like to perform,” Kane said.
First responders trained to treat the injured while rescuing the hostages during the simulation.
“The more we are able to practice these drills, the better we are to perform in a real-life event,” Kane said.
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