TAMPA, Fla. (WSVN) — It was a heartbreaking story that went viral worldwide: a man in central Florida recorded dashcam video of a driver appearing to dump a dog in a neighborhood before speeding away, with the confused animal running after the car.
Three months later, the abandoned animal now has a second chance at a better life, as “Tiger” is being put up for adoption, Fox 13 reports.
Back in August, Jerit Gaddis posted the video online just after he witnessed the heartbreaking scene in Tampa.
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“[He] thought he was going to throw his dog out and get away with it,” Gaddis wrote on his Facebook post. “Well you did it in front of the wrong person.”
The video shows a driver’s side door opening up, followed by the dog jumping out. The car then drives away as the dog attempts to follow the car, but cannot keep up.
Gaddis said he tried to get the dog, which appeared to be a male red nose pit bull, but it ran away. The dog was eventually found.
Now Hillsborough County officials say they have identified Tiger’s previous owner. While they did not publicly identify them, the county says a judge has added the person to the “enjoined list,” which means he or she is permanently banned from owning animals in the county.
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