SOUTHWEST MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - A crocodile was caught on camera crawling out of a boat at Black Point Marina.
Video posted to Instagram by Nicolas Perez showed the crocodile inside of a Seatow boat tied up at the marina’s fuel dock, Wednesday morning.
The reptile could be seen crawling around inside the boat before climbing out and onto the dock and then back into the water.
Perez said due to his job, he is in the area often and knows the scaly visitor well.
“I’ve never seen that before. He lives in this corner here. Two of them do,” said Perez. “I’ve never seen him attack or threaten anybody. It’s just a whole lot of teeth, you know?”
Crocodiles are known to be reclusive, but the new video showed that they can sometimes get a little too close for comfort.
John Campbell said he has also seen a few of the crocodiles in the area as well, but after watching Perez’s video, he feels the need to be more cautious.
“I love that. That’s incredible. Give them a little more distance because that just confirms they can come up and over into the boat,” said Campbell.
“Leave it alone, and let it do what it’s going to do because you can’t really mess with a crocodile,” Perez said.
The American crocodile is a federally protected animal, which led Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officials to be sent to the scene.
“Run, FWC is here,” said one witness in the video, but before FWC arrived on the scene, the crocodile crawled his way out of the boat and into the water.
“It was interesting. It doesn’t happen often, and it is something that, hopefully, doesn’t happen all the time,” Perez said.
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