SOUTHWEST MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - Police responded to a disturbance call at a fast food restaurant in Miami-Dade and found a man who resisted numerous Taser shocks before he was finally restrained.
Miami-Dade Police said 35-year-old Joaquin Labaut was being belligerent and harassing customers at a Wendy’s along Southwest 209th Street and U.S. 1, Thursday afternoon.
They faced a challenge while trying to subdue the 6-foot-3, 240-pound man inside the busy fast food restaurant, just after 1 p.m.
Cellphone video captured the struggle as officers continuously Tasered Labaut and hit him with their batons, as he led them on a chase from the counter to the drive-thru register.
Surprisingly, the Tasers had little effect on the suspect.
Labaut could be seen going behind the counter and into the kitchen area, ignoring officer’s commands.
“Get on the ground! Get on the ground!” could be heard shouted on video as officers either kept firing their Tasers or swinging their batons.
The resisting man is then seen running back into the dining area and falling over chairs before finally being taken into custody.
The Miami-Dade Police Department praised the officers’ actions for showing remarkable restraint.
Labaut now faces a slew of charges including battery on a law enforcement officer and resisting with violence. His bond has been set at $13,000.
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