How much would you pay to save a human life? If it were Lynn, Shireen would round up all the money in the world and even throw in a few pairs of her fancy shoes. For Susan Sarandon in “Viper Club,” it’s her son whose life’s on the line. We dished with the actress in Toronto about her new movie.
Susan Sarandon (as Helen): “It’s illegal to pay ransom, and you won’t risk sending your people in to help. What are you gonna do?”
Damian Young (as unknown character): “That information is classified.”
Intense, emotional and relevant.
Susan Sarandon stars in “Viper Club,” where she plays a desperate ER nurse whose journalist son is taken hostage by terrorists.
Susan Sarandon: “She has no leverage, and she’s in a place where people are not telling her the whole truth.”
We were the ones interviewing Susan, but the Oscar winner was the one with the million dollar question.
Susan Sarandon: “This isn’t something you can Google and find out what’s the best way to get your kid out of the hands of ISIS. How do you figure that out?”
That’s where the Viper Club comes in.
Sheila Vand (as Sheila): “I know the government won’t help you, but there is someone else.”
It’s a secret group of journalists whose mission is to help people in this exact situation.
Matt Bomer (as Sam): “I want to bring Andy home. This time, next week, he will be sitting right here.”
Matt Bomer plays one of the Viper Club members.
He says these kinds of organizations really do exist.
Matt Bomer: “They have resources in terms of who they can trust with money, with getting them across the border, with a safe place to stay.”
This is all heavy stuff — so heavy, Susan has to distance herself from it.
Susan Sarandon: “I’m not gonna watch it. No, I saw kind of an early cut, but I’m not gonna sit through it for sure.”
But that doesn’t mean she thinks you shouldn’t see it.
Susan Sarandon: “I think it’s really great when you can go out afterwards and have a dialogue and fight about stuff. I like movies that do that.”
It was emotionally draining for Matt too, but he says Susan, the ultimate pro, made things as easy as possible.
Matt Bomer: “She can do all the work but also sort of just make you forget about the entire catalogue of her work and life that you have in your head going into the job.”
Still, though…
Matt Bomer: “Of course you feel a little more pressure going into it because it’s Susan Sarandon.”
“Viper Club” is now in theaters.
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