An all-star cast, great reviews and a bunch of nominations and awards. “The Kominsky Method” is leaving fans wanting more, more, more because the Netflix show is ending with its third season. Tonight, two of the stars are telling Deco there’s a method to their madness.
It’s OK to get emotional.
Sarah Baker (as Mindy Kominsky): “There’s gotta be lots of feelings. Emotions?”
Michael Douglas (as Sandy Kominsky): “Eh, not as many as you’d think.”
Because it’s time to say goodbye to “The Kominsky Method.”
The third and final season finds actor-turned-acting coach Sandy Kominsky, AKA Michael Douglas, getting his big break in Hollywood.
Michael Douglas (as Sandy Kominsky): “I am scared to death.”
Character in “The Kominsky Method”: “Why?”
Michael Douglas (as Sandy Kominsky): “Well, there’s a distinct possibility that I might suck!”
Meanwhile, his daughter and her older boyfriend — played by Sarah Baker and Paul Reiser — are getting married!
Sarah Baker (as Mindy Kominsky): “Martin is more important to me than money.”
Michael Douglas (as Sandy Kominsky): “He won’t be if you give it a little time.”
Sarah’s been along for the ride for all three seasons. She tells Deco the show has managed to keep all of its best qualities.
Sarah Baker: “I think this season is again packed full of story. It does, I think, really retain the heart, and hopefully, also the comedy and humor.”
We’re also saying goodbye this season to Alan Arkin’s character, Norman.
He passed away, leaving Sandy without his best friend.
Paul Reiser wants to clarify about Alan, though…
Paul Reiser: “He is alive and very well and healthy, by the way.”
Sarah Baker: “Yeah, he’s doing great.”
Good to know.
The third season sends his character off with a fittingly over-the-top funeral.
Paul Reiser: “It’s not an easy thing to do to be true to the characters, to be true and funny. Norman’s absence gave depth to Michael’s character because the show is about a friendship.”
Michael Douglas (as Sandy Kominsky): “You got some guys you’d like to invite to a bachelor party?”
Paul Reiser (as Martin): “Most of my friends are dead.”
Michael Douglas (as Sandy Kominsky): “Great! I can afford an open bar.”
The final season continues to explore themes of life, death and relationships, and it’s full of wisdom in its own lovably sarcastic way.
Sarah Baker: “Unexpected things can happen. You know, sad things happen that you’re not expecting, but also wonderful things that you sort of had set aside as never gonna happen are still possible.”
Paul Reiser: “That’s sort of a theme this season — good things happen and can create chaos, and the way you handle them says a lot about how your life will go.”
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