Streaming music on your phone is cool and all, but man, do we miss the days of physically holding an album. Lucky for us, there is a new record shop in the Design District that can give you what you’re missing. Deco’s music expert, Alex Miranda, is here to tell us more.
Deco is all about the sights, sounds and, most importantly, vibes. That’s why our ears perked up when we heard about one pop-up record shop with the funniest-sounding name: Terrestrial Funk
Remember the days of vibing out to a classic album at a record store? Well, those days have come again, thanks to Miami’s newest record shop, Terrestrial Funk.
Ivette Lozano: “Terrestrial Funk has been an online record store for almost a decade now, and now we have this pop-up here in the Design District.”
This pop-up didn’t just “pop up,” though. It’s been a long time coming.
Ivette Lozano: “Brother Dan, our founder and friend, has been collecting all of the records for almost 10 years now, so it was time to put in place somewhere physical.”
So, are you in the mood to dance? Great, because there’s more where that came from.
Ivette Lozano: “There’s definitely a big collection of dance music, there’s a big collection, as well as South African boogie.”
If you don’t have dance fever, not a problem. There are plenty of other genres to choose from.
Ivette Lozano: “We carry thousands of records from across the world.”
And you know that hard-to-find tape you’ve spent ages searching for? Well, it’s probably here.
Ivette Lozano: “One of the biggest things is bringing forward an opportunity to get your hands on ultra-rare records.”
This place even lets you test out the product before you buy it. It’s got an in-store listening station.
Sade (singing): “You give me the sweetest taboo.”
But vinyl, CDs and cassettes aren’t the only things on display here.
Ivette Lozano: “We sell vintage clothes as well, so we’re not just a record store. We also have handmade jewelry, we have plants, and we have just about everything.”
Guests are already enjoying the spot.
Gabi Ruano: “This place is extremely welcoming, and the taste that is put into a spot like this, like, just the curation of a spot like this, is absolutely outstanding.”
Terrestrial Funk
35 NE 40th St.
Miami, FL 33137
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