For pros like Mike “The Miz” and Maryse Mizanin, wrestling is a piece of cake. Raising two toddlers– now, that’s a different story!
On Season 3 of their USA Network show “Miz and Mrs,” being parents, working and keeping their love alive is the name of the game.
We’re used to seeing The Miz like this.
WWE announcer: “Just enough of a distraction for Miz to go!”
Not like this.
In season three of “Miz and Mrs,” The Miz and Maryse have some big challenges, and we don’t mean just in the ring!
Mike “The Miz”: “I think every episode is a moment.”
Maryse Mizanin: “Really is, you know, from having our moms live with us to, ‘It’s time you guys spread your wings and get out of our house,’ to me being on ‘Dancing with the Stars’ and seeing the insights there.”
Learning those dance moves wasn’t easy, either.
Mike “The Miz”: “We always see on ‘Dancing with the Stars’ the finished product. We don’t really see the development. It was like a 24/7 job. I would non-stop all day, every day, think about these dances that I would have to do.”
Not to mention raising two little girls on top of that.
Mike “The Miz”: “It’s funny, we started the show, we didn’t have any kids. Now, here we are, we have a 4- and a 2-and-a-half-year-old, and it’s incredible to see how they’ve grown.”
Maryse Mizanin: “So now you get to see them, my kids, they have personalities now, they have opinions.”
One of the biggest challenges this season: Maryse prepping to get back in the ring.
Mike “The Miz”: “Maryse gets back in the ring. You get to see her training to get back into the ring to go up against Edge and Beth.”
Which wasn’t just a physical challenge, but a mental one, too.
Maryse Mizanin: “I wasn’t mentally prepared for it, because I thought WrestleMania 33 was going to be my last match.”
As for how it all plays out, you’re just gonna have to watch it for yourself.
Maryse Mizanin: “There’s just so much heart and story and funny, but you get to know all of us a little bit more, in a different aspect.”
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