Move aside, Batman and Robin. There’s a new superhero duo coming to take over the big screen. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are suiting up for some action in “Deadpool & Wolverine,” and let’s just say they go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Ryan Reynolds (as Deadpool): “I don’t know anything about saving worlds, but you do.”

When superhero worlds collide.

Hugh Jackman (as Wolverine): “Trust me kid, I’m no hero.”

Ryan Reynolds (as Deadpool): “You were an X-Man. You were the X-Man. I am soaking wet right now.”

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman finally join the Marvel Cinematic Universe in “Deadpool & Wolverine.”

Ryan Reynolds (as Deadpool): “Your little cinematic universe is about to change forever. I’m the messiah.”

Change is right, because this movie is rated R, a first for the MCU.

Ryan Reynolds: “I was surprised, though, that they let us, you know, go as, you know? I mean, there’s no other way to do it, I mean for this character and this world.”

I think you mean characters, Ryan, because Hugh’s Wolverine is back in the fray … and it took zero begging to get him to do this.

Hugh Jackman: “I was just driving and, literally, just like a bolt of lightning, came this knowing deep in my gut that I wanted to do this film with Ryan, for Deadpool and Wolverine to come back together.”

Director Shawn Levy says fans are in for a treat.

Shawn Levy: “It’s Wolverine and Deadpool. It’s these guys as their most legendary, iconic characters, at the top of their game, and together? It’s just audience delight. I felt it every day at work.”

Ryan and Hugh may have a bromance in real life, but when it comes to their characters…

Hugh Jackman: “Just the word ‘buddy’ doesn’t encapsulate all there is. That just implies good times with two guys having the best time together.”

Shawn Levy: “It is not that. It is not that.”

Ryan Reynolds: “It’s hysterical and completely unexpected at times, and we do some really, really wild stuff in this film, but there’s also an emotional core, a backbone to it that allows us and facilitates us to be able to do all those other fun things “

As far as what else fans can expect…

Ryan Reynolds: “Anything can happen, and that’s sort of what I love about this universe and this world, you know. We’ll see. Surprises are the essence of Deadpool.”

“Deadpool & Wolverine” slashes into theaters July 26.

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