KEY BISCAYNE, FLA. (WSVN) - A cyclist is recovering in the hospital after a crash near Key Biscayne, Wednesday. However, his fellow cyclists say the fault behind the incident lies with a police officer.
A group of cyclists was riding along the Rickenbacker Causeway, when a Coral Gables police officer made a swift right turn, apparently causing some of the cyclists to brake and one to go down.
Riders are blaming a Coral Gables police officer for making that turn.
“You slammed on the brakes, bro,” said a cyclist.
“We all have you on video,” said another cyclist.
Cyclists had their cameras rolling as they surrounded the injured rider.
“We all saw you,” said another cyclist.
According to the injured cyclist’s attorney, he sustained a shattered pelvis and is going into surgery.
Gables Police told 7News the officer tried stopping cyclists who rode ahead of the group.
Officers from Gables PD and elsewhere were there to enforce traffic laws within the biking community.
“Go over there, please,” said an officer to a biker.
Police obtained video footage from a rider with a GoPro camera saying the following to another officer:
Biker: “You’re not allowed to modify or edit the video in any way.”
Officer: “OK.”
Rider Leonardo Torcat rode in the pack and said the officer’s driving was unsafe.
“He cut in front of us,” said Torcat.
“That was very reckless; it was dangerous,” said cyclist advocate and Attorney Lee Marks.
According to police, the cyclists weren’t just in the bike lane, they were in the travel lane, and some were even in the left lane.
“The riders can’t ride in the bike lane because there are other slower cyclists,” said Marks, “so they take one lane of three. It’s early. They’re not impeding traffic.”
Marks said mutual respect goes a long way when driving and cycling.
“These riders were just out exercising,” said Marks, “and that was an abrupt, reckless turn in front of them.”
The injured cyclist’s attorney released a statement reading in part, “As a community, South Florida has come so far in keeping the roads safe for both automobiles and cyclists who are legally allowed to share the road. This was an early morning ride with little to no traffic.”
Biker to officer: “What would you say that was? Would you just say that was a U-turn?”
Officer: “A U-turn.”
Coral Gables Police said they’re aware of the crash and that, at this point, there’s not been a formal complaint filed with internal affairs.
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