MIAMI (WSVN) - A beloved pet is on a long road to recovery after a vicious animal attack took place in front of his home.

The dog was left bloodied and traumatized.

Now, the owner wants to know why there are holes in a fence that was meant to keep the wild animals out.

The attack on the pomeranian, called ‘Lil Man,’ occurred on Saturday morning around 6 a.m.

Leslie Gooden and her dog were out on a morning walk when all of a sudden the dog noticed something.

“He seen something that I didn’t see, so when he seen it, he went towards it,” said Gooden.

What Lil Man saw was, Gooden believes, a pack of wild coyotes.

By the time Gooden realized what her dog had seen, the pet was under attack.

“When I looked, they was on him like flies, so I went back and got my car, and ran in there and I grabbed him. It was too many to fight,” said Gooden.

The wild animals live on state land across the street from Gooden’s house. Even though there is fencing to keep them out of the neighborhood, she says they crawled through a hole in the fence and attacked her dog.

She rushed her nearly lifeless pet to an animal emergency center and faced a decision every pet owner dreads.

“They gave me an ultimatum to…” said Gooden.

“Put him down,” the reporter asked.

“Yeah, or to save him,” said Gooden. “I stayed in there, like about an hour, before they came into my room and told me ‘OK, we got him stable.’ He said ‘Ms. Gooden, I’m going to do all I could for him.'”

Now, Gooden is concerned that this could happen to her neighbors with pets or even a child.

“I want someone to put some traps down there and get these wild dogs, whatever they call them, get them out of here before they take a child. If not, this is the outcome of this. If they do not listen, this is the outcome of this. I don’t want this to happen no more,” said Gooden.

The dog is on anti-rabies medication and is recovering at home.

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