MIRAMAR, FLA. (WSVN) - After days of nonstop roundups of undocumented immigrants in South Florida, families lined up outside the detention centers looking for their loved ones.

In Miramar, dozens lined the sidewalk of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office with their papers in hands.

Roberto Carrillo, who took his place in line early Wednesday morning, said many like him are nervous and in fear of what may come next on the issue of immigration.

“It feels like fear,” he said in Spanish.

Carrillo added that his paperwork process is long, but he remains hopeful that it all goes through successfully.

Carrillo said he witnessed ICE agents detaining people standing in front of him that were also making the line.

“They took them,” he said in Spanish.

Another woman, Jaritza, who did not want her face shown, said Marcos, her husband from Nicaragua, entered the Miramar office for a regular appointment and never came back out.

“And we have a son,” she said emotionally in Spanish.

Jaritza said she is worried that she will never see her beloved Marcos again.

“He doesn’t have a criminal record, not even a ticket,” said Jaritza in Spanish.

Jaritza added her husband works two jobs and has a work permit. The family never thought this would happen, as they believed they were doing everything the right way.

Others expressed concern over the idea of ICE agents raiding schools and taking undocumented children from their classrooms.

But school district officials in Miami-Dade and Broward counties have vowed to protect their students from any such raid.

“Well, first of all, our staff would ask questions like, ‘Under what authority are you here? And what court ordered paperwork or additional paperwork that you may have that actually gives you the authority to talk to the student or to remove the student from our school? If the principal needs additional support, they will call our legal counsel,” said Broward County Schools Superintendent Dr. Howard Hepburn.

As for Miami-Dade Public Schools, officials said they will be following the same protocol and reiterated that the safety of their students remains their top priority.

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