HOLLYWOOD, FLA. (WSVN) - As the search for a Hollywood woman who went missing after she went to a local nature park continues, police have released a surveillance image of the victim before she went missing, while loved ones keep holding on to hope that she will be found alive.
Speaking with 7News on Saturday, the parents of 21-year-old Noemi Bolivar said they have a message for their daughter.
“We love her, we love her so much. We’re looking for her, and stay strong, honey, because we’re coming for you, and we’re going to find you and help you,” said her mother, Marycell Bolivar, as she fought back tears.
It’s been more than a week since Bolivar disappeared. Now Hollywood Police are hoping a newly released surveillance image becomes the critical clue that can help bring her home.
“Definitely we know that she’s [being held] against her will,” said her father, Jose Bolivar.
Bolivar has been missing since Feb. 11. She was last seen at Anne Kolb Nature Center Park in Hollywood.
Her family said the recent college graduate took a bus there and hasn’t been heard from since.
The surveillance image of Bolivar on a transit bus is the newest piece to detectives’ puzzle. Police said their investigation found that she hopped on the bus near the 7000 block of Sheridan Street and got off alone a few blocks away.
“There’s progress being made, but again , we’re focused on trying to find her, and we’re not going to give up until we do,” said J.T. Ryker, who is helping in the search.
“Now more than ever, we need divine intervention and help from above,” a man is heard saying at a gathering held Saturday.
That’s why Bolivar’s parents, along with her church family, are calling on the community to help step up their search.
“I know we’re going to find her, but we cannot find her alone,” said Marycell.
“All of us know her and want to bring her home,” said Ryker.
Meanwhile, they’re hoping the surveillance image can be the break in the case they’ve been praying for.
“Don’t be scared, stay strong and pray, gather the strength to pray,” said Marycell.
If you have any information on Bolivar’s whereabouts, call Hollywood Police at 954-764-4357 or Broward County Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $3,000 reward.
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