PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. (WSVN) — School bus stop safety is becoming a major concern for a Port St. Lucie community, and now a mother is on a mission to fix the problem, and she’s doing it all with the help of social media.

Cellphone video that went viral shows drivers not stopping or slowing down as a school bus picks up students.

“They’re on the bus, they’re on the bus, they’re on the bus,” a woman is heard saying in the video.

Several videos were posted online by concerned Port St. Lucie parent Tammy Salguero. They have received millions of views.

One of the clips got the attention of Port St. Lucie County Sheriff Keith Pearson.

Pearson credited the power of social media with helping to get the word out and raising the importance of school bus safety.

“When Tammy sent us a message, we came out here, and we saw what was going on first hand,” he said. “We saw the bus would stop, and then we saw vehicles not stopping for that bus. They would continue to go through and not stop for the bus at all.”

The sheriff released a public service announcement in response, reminding drivers to stop at school bus stops.

“Pay attention! A lot of these folks probably don’t realize they need to stop because it is U.S 1, it is a busy highway, but it’s a school bus, and when those signs come out, stop,” he said. “Stop means stop. There will be zero tolerance for anybody who runs a bus stop.”

Pearson said several violators have since been followed and were each given a $370 citation.

The sheriff said they’ll increase the number of deputies patrolling bus stops.

As for Salguero, she said she will continue to spread awareness.

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