CHICAGO (WSVN) — As President Obama awaits to give his farewell address to the nation, some Chicago residents are happy to see him go.
The gusts from the Windy City launched his political career, and it’s where it will come to an end. Before an audience of thousands and the nation’s flag, President Obama will give his final speech as the nation’s 44th president.
However, for some residents of Chicago, the legacy left behind from the Obama presidency is nothing special.
Coming off its deadliest year in decades, 762 people were murdered in the city in 2016. The Justice Department is investigating the Chicago Police Department for police-involved shootings.
“We’re not gonna be saying ‘Thank you,’ for the eight years of work that he didn’t do in the black communities,” said Ja’Mal Green.
However, Obama supporter Savannah Dean, feels otherwise. “People who criticize him really don’t know no better,” she said. “We had a black president who served two terms, and with everything that he did for us, it’s just a blessing. It is a blessing.”
Obama does take a share of the blame for the loses to the Democratic party during the 2016 election: the lost presidency, along with the loss of Democratic controlled seats in Congress.
However, many have made it clear that no matter what some may feel about the nation’s first black president, they want to be a part of history and witness it for themselves.
President Obama is scheduled to begin his address at around 9 p.m.
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