The Stoneman Douglas High School orchestra honored a student who lost her life in February’s mass shooting with a touching tribute Thursday.
It was a evening of remembrance through music as the orchestra performed at the Young Circle Amphitheater in Hollywood.
The group dedicated their concert to a former member of their orchestra – her name was Carmen Schentrup.
“Please know Carmen is in our music and she lives with us everyday of our lives,” said said MSD senior Diego Pfeiffer as he kicked off the event.
Hollywood Communications Manager Joann Hussey said they wanted to give the students an outlet for their grief. “The city of Hollywood really wanted to offer the opportunity to the students as a form of healing and an outlet to be able to express their sorrow.”
“For those of you who knew Carmen, you would know she loved music,” said Carmen’s father, Phillip Schentrup. “She loved music of all types and she loved art.”
Sadly, Carmen was one of 17 people killed during the Valentine’s day massacre at MSD.
“We hope this heals what’s going on,” said Bill Gilcrease, a relative of an orchestra member, “that’s what we want.”
The 16-year-old played the violin and had been a member of the MSD orchestra for three years.
“We loved Carmen and she is still with us in our hearts,” said Pfeiffer, “and tonight we played for her.”
Carmen’s family who was present at the event said after the tragedy they didn’t know how they could on but they are thankful for Carmen’s friends.
“Beyond music, these kids have given us hope,” said a relative of Carmen.
The concert was chance for friends and family to heal and never forget the young woman who touched so many with her life and her music.