FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (WSVN) - South Florida officials took action, Thursday morning, to build a better relationship between officers and the local community.
“This is how you get this message across to the people,” said Fort Lauderdale Police Chief Frank Adderley. “Not just this forum. You have to take it to the community.”
A panel of experts, including Adderley, participated in a forum to discuss tensions between officers and the local community. They will be addressing topics on how to rebuild trust and confidence within the public.
“You have to have the dialogue with the people that just don’t understand, and the more you can educate them, the better for the public,” added Adderley. “And when people realize what the situation actually is, rather than jumping to a conclusion without the facts, then I think you have a much better way of convincing the public whether the officer was justified or not.”
The program was held at the Tower Club, on Third Avenue, in Fort Lauderdale, and began at 7:30 a.m.
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