HIALEAH, FLA. (WSVN) - Police are searching for a man accused of operating an unauthorized veterinary clinic in Hialeah.
Hialeah Police and Miami-Dade Animal Services descended on an apartment complex near East 50th Street where, they said, two individuals were illegally working on animals.
Photos released by police show caged dogs, including one with a bloody injury.
The couple, identified as Sophia Gonzalez and Jose Alvarez Marrero, is accused of performing a neutering procedure last month on an American Bulldog named Royalty.
“Multiple procedures were being done,” said Hialeah Police Lt. Eddie Rodriguez. “Various things were being done there.”
The animal was eventually taken to what police said was a “credible” vet.
In the police report, staff told Royalty’s owner, “whoever conducted the procedure on Royalty was beyond medical practice, that it was pure animal cruelty.”
The dog died just days later, despite subsequent visits by the concerned owner.
“I lost my dog that I’ve had for 12 years,” said Omar Nestor.
Gonzalez was arrested and charged with animal cruelty and practicing medicine without a veterinary license.
Her alleged accomplice still remains on the loose. “The suspect we’re looking for is Jose Alvarez-Marrero. Fifty-eight years old,” said Rodriguez.
Police said Marrero told cops he’d meet them but never showed.
“This is something that is straight-out wrong and once we find him, he will be punished for it,” said Rodriguez.
If you have any information on the suspect’s whereabouts, call Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $1,000 reward.
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