HILLSBORO BEACH, Fla. (WSVN) — Police have taken a driver into custody in connection to a hit-and-run in Broward County that sent a bicyclist has been taken to the hospital.

The hit-and-run happened Sunday morning near East Hillsboro Boulevard and South Ocean Drive in Hillsboro Beach.

Other cyclers who were with the man said they were just trying to get some fresh air and get a workout in.

“We’re gonna get sick from things like pandemics if we don’t stay healthy, and this is how we stay healthy: by getting out and riding our bikes, and that’s all that fella wanted to do today,” said bicyclist Cory Metzler, “and now he’s maybe not gonna make it, and that’s not fair.”

Paramedics transported the victim to an area hospital in unknown condition.

Shortly after, the driver involved was located and detained.

Metzler said drivers need to respect the law for cyclists who are riding in the streets.

Bicyclist Anton DeMarco said he sees aggressive drivers in the area too often.

“A lot of people come really close. It’s a two-lane traffic, and they’re usually trying to pass us and getting way too close to other cars and us, so, yeah, it’s really horrible,” he said.

The investigation is ongoing.

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