(WSVN) - If you are a renter, odds are that rent check is due this week, and if you lost your job because of the coronavirus, you might not have the funds to cover it, but don’t worry, you won’t be evicted right now. Help Me Howard with Patrick Fraser explains why.
The dominoes started falling when the bars and restaurants closed.
Then, as other non-essential businesses shut down, the paychecks stopped.
Caller 1: “To see if you guys have a number that I can call for assistance with my rent.”
Now, the first of April is coming up. For many people meaning that rent check is due.
Caller 2: “We are a family of three. My wife has been laid off from work, and there is no possibility of us paying that rent in full.”
Hard-working people who lost their jobs are calling and emailing.
This fellow wrote, “If I can’t pay my rent, what can I do?”
One proud woman emailed, “I have always paid on time, and this is so embarrassing for me.”
Well, Howard, first question, if the government shut down the place you work and you don’t have any money, do you have to pay your rent?
Howard Finkelstein, 7News legal expert: “Yes, you agreed to pay it, and no matter how bad the times are, you have to pay it, but you don’t have to worry about being homeless, and I will explain in a minute.”
Yamile feels the rent pain in another way.
Yamile Llanes, landlords want her out: “We’re just asking for a little time, so that we don’t end up on the streets with our kids.”
Yamile’s lease is up and wants to pay the April rent, but her landlord won’t take it.
Yamile Llanes: “We’ve been completely declined by the landlord. They just want us out.”
Yamile says she would love to move out, but another problem: there is nowhere to go right now because of the virus.
Yamile Llanes: “I have been sending messages out to email. I’ve been calling people. I haven’t been getting calls back.”
And when she told her landlord she couldn’t leave, his response?
Yamile Llanes: “If we stay, he will evict us. He will charge me double the rent. He will take away our security deposit.”
Well Howard, we have heard from a few people like Yamile’s whose lease is up. Do they have to move out even if they can pay the landlord?
Howard Finkelstein: “Yes, legally, the lease is over, and you should move out unless you can convince the landlord to give you an extension.”
But if you are like so many South Floridians who have rent problems, you are not about to be homeless.
Whether they intended to or not, the courts and the sheriff’s offices are indirectly helping tenants who can’t pay rent.
Howard Finkelstein: “Here is reality: the courts are not issuing eviction orders. A landlord can file an eviction via email, but judges are not granting eviction orders, and the sheriffs have said they are not evicting tenants who cannot pay their rent. It’s painful for landlords who have mortgages, but it’s a relief for tenants who have suddenly lost their jobs.”
In addition, the bill passed by Congress says, if your landlord has a federally backed mortgage, they cannot evict their tenants for the next four months.
We are also hearing from business owners whose landlords expect their rent money for April.
Howard Finkelstein: “When the crisis started, lawyers thought the commercial tenants would have to pay rent, but now, legal arguments are being made that because of the government shutdown, the businesses could not operate. I don’t know that that argument will win, so landlords and tenants need to compromise, so they both can survive.”
Yamile Llanes: “Very stressful, and especially with four kids.”
It’s stressful for everyone, but with four children, Yamile has to hide it from her family.
Yamile Llanes: “Sometimes, I have to try to hide, so my kids don’t see me just break down, ’cause I am human.”
Hang in there, Yamile. Now, if you have a place to rent to her, she wants to pay, so get in touch with us.
Now, what happens to landlords who are not collecting rent? They need that money for their mortgages. There is some help for them in the stimulus package as well.
A lot of money that bill for a lot of people who are struggling, so check it out to see if you qualify, and remember, if you are in a bind, no matter what it is, get in touch with us. We are here for you to get through this crisis, ’cause we will get through it. We will all be fine eventually.
Email: helpmehoward@wsvn.com
Reporter: Patrick Fraser at pfraser@wsvn.com
Miami-Dade: 305-953-WSVN
Broward: 954-761-WSVN
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