A lot of people haven’t seen their cubical or office in a while thanks to COVID-19. If you’re tired of working from home but really like some of the perks, check out these places in town that will make your workday fly by.
In 2020, working remote is the norm, but if you need a change of scenery, why not go to a hotel?
SLS Lux Brickell is offering the workspace with SBE program.
Marco Selva, SLS Lux Brickell: “We are basically making our rooms available that you can rent or lease them for a day from 9 [a.m.] to 5 [p.m.] and provide you with a great work environment.”
This hotel suite is sweet!
Send an email from the comfy desk set up or take a call from the balcony or, my personal favorite, grab a snack at the minibar.
Marco Selva: “We will facilitate for you WiFi. If you need to have a Zoom meeting or Skype or any other technology needs that you may have, we can assist you with that as well.”
For lunch, grab a bite at the upstairs terrace or take a meeting in a cabana.
William Read, customer: “It’s definitely like a work-cation. It gets you out of the house or wherever you may be. It gets the creative juices flowing again.”
Just down the street is the Bored Room at East Miami.
Andres Garcia, East Miami: “We spend enough time at home. Come to East and have fun while working.”
Truer words have never been spoken, and the grind has never been this stylish!
Andres Garcia: “It has a balcony for great breaks. You know, you’re tired of working, you go to the balcony on the 38th floor overlooking the Miami River.”
I’m sold! And Bored is spelled “B-O-R-E-D,” but we promise they’re just being playful.
You are never going to be bored in this Bored room. Look, unlimited coffee (which works well for me), a massive 75-inch screen TV that you can connect to your computer and your phone to do all that work that you know you’ll get done after you eat the full menu at Quinto la Huella, and a fully stocked bar, because apparently they already know that all work and no play makes Alex a very dull host.
You might even start to take work more seriously.
Alex Miranda: “John, what’s the update on that segment?! Can you get Odette to get my hair and makeup finally?! Geoff, I’ve had enough of this!”
Just don’t forget to finish that report before laying too heavy on the booze.
SLS Lux Brickell
801 S. Miami Ave.
Miami, FL 33130
East Miami
788 Brickell Plaza
Miami, FL 33131
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