Gearing up for the glitz and glamour of the holiday season with dresses & accessories by Dominque Boutique in Coral Gables. Oh, and did I mention I’m headed to The Keys for the ultimate girls trip? 🥂
By the time you read this, I’ll be barreling toward Key West with three of my closest friends. Each are besties from different decades of my life and strangely, they’ve never met one another. God help us! Lol. It’s going to be “Thelma & Louise” on crack.
Who needs to drive off the edge of the Grand Canyon, though, when you have places like Aqua Night Club? Famous for its cabaret Drag shows! Or Louie’s Backyard? Where a decadent martini can only be upstaged by a spectacular Key West sunset. I’ve even seen “people” skinny dip right by Louie’s popular pier-inspired porch. 🤫
If I’m arrested, it probably wasn’t my fault (wink, wink.) Seriously, though, it’s a trip I’ve been looking forward to for a really long time. It’s such a rarity, I’ve bequeathed it the title: “Rock Star Weekend.” Eating, drinking, shopping, laughing, reminiscing. I’ll be in full beast mode and my best friends will be right there with me. So, what does any of this have to do with holiday fashion? Everything, nothing and something.
I’ve actually been struggling with a meaningful topic to share during “the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” but then it dawned on me, the very essence of my girlie getaway is the perfect way to explain how many of us long to feel during Hanukkah, Christmas & on New Years Eve, and I’m not talking about bloated, tipsy and anxiety ridden because you’ve spent too much on your credit card. I’m not judging #BeenThereDoneThat 🤪
I’m talking about human connection, which in turn, can make a person feel special. I’ve been to The Florida Keys more times than I can possibly count, lucky me, but each trip is marked with the memories of whom I shared it with and how it made me feel at the time. Whether it was friendship, love, intimacy or heartbreak, they’re all an indelible part of who I am now.
The same holds true for “Party Pizzazz”. It may sound corny, but a gorgeous gown, sparkly jewels, a pretty purse and sexy shoes are a form of self expression: how you’re feeling, what you’re projecting and what you’re hoping to get in return. Don’t get me wrong, I know worldly things don’t solve problems or buy self esteem, but showcasing the best of what you got for a special occasion can be a powerful thing and ultimately, it’s about connection.
Whether you’re dressing up for yourself, a lover or to relish in the holiday spirit, it’s about opening ourselves up to what most of us long for — feeling special — if only for a moment, in our own little slice of this gi-normous, sometimes isolating world. When I look my best, I feel my best and I think that’s just part of being human. Maybe I’m vein, but I’d like to think I’m just being transparent.
When I was a young journalist, l used to go through severe bouts of depression. The long hours, working holidays, being away from my family, it really got to me. When I’d call home to be consoled, my mother would bark: “Get out of bed, wash your face, put some lipstick on and do something.” It was tough love, but it was also my mom’s way of telling me when you look half way decent, you’re more likely to feel better about yourself and if you go out and connect with someone, make friends, meet a special someone or heck, go for a walk in the park, you’ll probably be a more fulfilled person who sees the special qualities life has to offer.
Speaking of special, it’s easy to feel that way at Dominque Boutique in Coral Gables. It’s been a secret fashion weapon of mine for years, especially around the holidays. When it comes to “Party Pizzazz” there’s no other place in Miami that offers such beautiful, unique, one-of-a-kind dresses and that’s not all, it’s literally one stop shopping.
You can build an entire outfit there with ease, they have jewelry, purses, gloves, evening shrugs, hats and more. It’s perfect for a girl on the go or a woman who has a lot demands on her life, but still wants something incredibly jaw-dropping. And, if you’re lucky enough while you’re there, you’ll meet Dominque herself. She’s an inspiring fashionista who oozes class and sophistication, so it’s no surprise her store is a direct reflection of her fabulousness.
Whatever you’re wearing this holiday season, I hope your “Party Pizzazz” is accessorized with whatever your heart is longing for: love, peace, family, forgiveness, healing energy, health or just a moment of complete and utter happiness. I know this week I’ll be lucky enough to feel so many of those things with my closest friends and that’s why it’s one of my Favorite Things. #KeyWestOrBust #HappyHolidays 🎄
Dominique Boutique
247 Miracle Mile
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Monday-Saturday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Be Social
IG: @dominiqueboutique
FB: @dominquecoralgables
Twitter: @dominiqueok
“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” — anonymous
James Woodley Photography
Gowns, Purses and Jewelry provided by Dominique Boutique
Hair & Make-up: Odett Hernandez
Digital Editor: Jessie Neft-Swinger
Editor: Matthew Auerbach
Copyright 2024 Sunbeam Television Corp. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.