We’re in uncharted waters with a brand new piece of real estate in the 305. We got a VIP tour of the place, and it’s pretty safe to assume this property is gonna float your boat.
Imagine waking up to this view while living on top of this.
Introducing: Arkup.
Nicolas Derouin, co-founder and managing director: “Arkup is the next generation floating home. It’s a vessel, self-sustained, sustainable, that provides a feeling of a villa on the water.”
OK, so hold on, we gotta make sure we’re clear on this.
This thing is a house, not on the water, but in the water.
It’s docked at Star Island, but it doesn’t have to stay there.
This thing moves!
Nicolas Derouin: “There’s a helm station like on any yacht where the boat can be driven and steered.”
You can also basically park it in the water.
Here’s an artistic rendering.
Nicolas Derouin: “It’s four hydraulic legs that basically touch the sea bottom and then allow the boat to be completely stabilized.”
Arkup is on the market for $5.9 million, featuring four bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms across 43,000 square feet, and it comes furnished thanks to luxury brand, Artefacto.
Paulo Bacchi, CEO of Artefacto: “We never did a house with this … ‘spectacularness!’ I don’t know if that’s a word, but it’s true. Everything is about contemporary, organic, warm natural fibers, natural colors.”
Those views, though.
They’re everywhere!
Nicolas Derouin: “We want to create and integrate this indoor/outdoor space so that people have the ultimate experience of living on the water.”
It’s a home in the water, so does that make it a house or a boat?
For anyone interested in buying it…
Nicolas Derouin: “In terms of financing, insurance and registration, it’s considered and treated like a boat. The lifestyle is like a home.”
And that lifestyle is all about being eco-friendly while living your best life.
Nicolas Derouin: “The idea is to really make life on board as safe and comfortable as in a house.”
881 NW 13th Ave.
Miami, FL 33125
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