The so called “wind machine” is on.   While it’s not a real mechanical force, it’s a weather situation we occasionally find ourselves in (across the south Florida region).  We’re situated between distant high pressure to our north and lower pressures south.   The net effect of that, is the pressure difference that creates wind!   You might say it’s nature’s way of balancing out the atmosphere.   The windy weather pattern will continue until high pressure shifts closer to our area… and, of course, once it weakens.    That’s going to take some time.   The windy set up will last into Tuesday before settling down.   Until then, expect hazardous marine conditions.   Dangerous rip currents will be an issue for ocean swimmers along Atlantic beaches, so it’s not recommended.   Further, boating will be impacted.   Smaller type vessels may find it difficult once encountering high seas (on the order of 10 feet, in some cases)!   Even though the windy set up is getting all the attention now, let’s not forget the nice range in our temperatures.   Nights continue to be mild while days remain comfortable.   There’s no big “swing” in sight and only modest warming is expected by midweek.   At that time, we also could also have a weak front approaching from the Gulf of Mexico.   The boundary isn’t likely to create rough weather for us.   Still, with additional instability, we may have a few more rain bands crossing the area from late Wednesday through Thursday.

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