Mild March weather is here. Unlike many other times this month, it’s currently “not too warm” nor “too cool.” It’s simply pleasant and the timing is perfect. Finally, it’s cooperating nicely for outdoor activities during a weekend time frame! High pressure currently expands over the Gulf and crosses into the Atlantic, so all of Florida is getting in on it. It’s the reason our weather is so calm. By Sunday evening, however, the high will temporarily weaken and that will allow a minor cold front to drop southward. No, this isn’t going to be a strong cold front like the one we saw last week! The boundary will quickly pass by, with little fanfare. We’re not even expecting rain as the front gets closer… although we can’t rule out a couple showers well offshore (over the ocean). As for cooling potential, that too doesn’t look impressive. Temperatures will basically stay the same. The only real difference we’ll notice will be a stronger breeze as “new” high pressure rebuilds… early in the week. Of course, the start of spring is nearly here. The first day is Monday, March 20, and the season will begin on a nice note. We’ll continue to see plenty of sunshine and an extended period of dry weather. Later in the week, a stronger wind surge may arrive. That could mean gusty conditions by Friday, so beach and boating plans may be a tricky challenge. Stay tuned.