Tropical Storm Josephine is a record setter
The system is the earliest “J” storm on record, beating out the old title holder Jose, from August 22, 2005. It will track northwest over the next few days moving north of the Leeward Islands. Its closest approach will take the center about 200 miles offshore, with the strongest winds found over open water in the orange circle.
Once in the Western Atlantic, it will run into strong upper level winds known as shear and that should weaken the system. Some models have it dissipating at this point early next week. If it survives, it should remain over open water.
Florida Streak
The area between Broward, Miami-Dade, and the Keys, averages one storm strike every 6 to 8 years. A quick review shows Irma in 2017 across the Keys. Lets hope Mother Nature is not good at math for the Mainland!
We’ll be watching