A very weak cold front is creeping across south Florida. Don’t worry if you don’t notice the difference with this one. It will pass nearly undetected with only a few cloud batches (early Sunday) and a minor wind shift. Interestingly, the 2 things most commonly associated with cold fronts… rain then colder air… will be absent with this particular boundary. High pressure will quickly rebuild following the front. It will allow our winds to increase from the northeast. With ocean air in place, we’ll carry on with our winter warmth! There’s just a slim chance for sprinkles or small showers working our way from the ocean waters. As the new week continues, the only change will involve another surge of warm weather. Temperatures will gradually rise into the middle 80’s (daytime highs) during the middle of the week. The forecast maps also suggest another weak cold front arriving on Friday morning. At this point, the thinking is that it will cross with only a minimal change (once again).