The week (and month) is off to a quiet start with temperatures warmer than usual. The current pattern is highlighted by an expansive area of High Pressure. In fact, there are two high “centers” that bridge from the eastern Gulf to the western Atlantic. That puts Florida firmly under the grip of the dry and stable airmass.

Typically, in early February, our daytime temperatures would peak around 77-degrees. This week? Readings will continue to reach into the lower 80’s with a fair amount of sunshine. Rain chances will also be minimized (less than 10% chance) due to the drying effect of the High Pressure. You may remember how January brought south Florida some big temperature swings. That was due to numerous Fronts that had us warming ahead of the boundaries and “chilling off” behind each one. The current set up, though, is preventing Cold Fronts from even approaching us. This same type of deflection will continue until early next week.

It might be necessary to get the sprinklers, or hose, going during these dry times. In fact, measurable rain could be curbed for awhile. Long range forecast models show some potential for rain showers early next week (specifically next Monday February 10). If we miss that opportunity, however, we might have to wait until the middle of the month. That means some beneficial rain could hold off until after Valentine’s Day. Stay tuned.

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