Art, art and more art. And showing it with kinship in mind is Afrikin.
This year, they turn double digits. To celebrate, they’re bringing artists to help stitch life one artwork at a time.
Get ready to be mind-blown at Afrikin.
Alfonso Brooks: “Because guess what: It’s our 10-year anniversary, so we’re taking this with a big [explosion sound], I want people to come in the building and be like [explosion sound] head blown.”
Over at Scott Galvin Community Center in North Miami, this week-long fair is weaving its way to people’s hearts with this year’s theme.
Alfonso Brooks: “It’s called ‘Threads of Life and Fragment of Time.’ An amazing experience speaking about the interconnectedness of humanity, the cosmos, the underwater world and the animals.”
They’re showing off fashion, sculptures and tons of visual art in three different parts of the center.
Alfonso Brooks: “We have curated 74 magnificent artists that present a multitude of works that show the embodiment of their work that make you be like, ‘Oh wow!” And bring the checkbook. Don’t leave the checkbook at home. We’re a nonprofit organization. Come and support.”
Support for this one artist is felt across the Atlantic Ocean.
Ndako Nghipandulwa: “I live in Namibia. I’ve never been to Miami before. I’m very excited and nervous at the same time, but mostly excited. This is definitely the biggest event I’ve ever been apart of.”
And forget the paintbrush. His main tool is a hammer.
Ndako Nghipandulwa: “It’s nails, thread, and I’ve also started to incorporating fabrics. I like the labor, strangely enough; it’s not something I can rush. It’s something I have to do slowly with my time, so it also makes me very patient. Even though I’ve hit my hands a couple of times.”
Based in Trinidad and Tobago, this artist is all about the strokes.
Tavernelle Wells: “Thousands of strokes. I would make layers of them and then build it up to create the final piece. I enjoy the process because my art represents sort of a visual journaling of my own experiences.”
And she’s taking advantage of this new experience.
Tavernelle Wells: “This is the first time exhibiting at the Afrikin Art Fair. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me. It’s nice to come out and see other artists and to celebrate them as well.”
Alfonso Brooks: “South Florida is in need of an elevated Black experience that people can come out here and say, ‘Wow, I didn’t know that was in Miami.'”
For more information about the Afrikin Art Fair and to RSVP, click here.
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