FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (WSVN) - Playoff fever is at a fever pitch as both the Miami Heat and Florida Panthers are one win away from moving on in their respective series.
Wednesday night’s games are must-see TV for any South Florida sports fan. The problem for sports fans is that both games will be airing at the same time.
One option could be to move stuff around, like having a two-TV setup, but that could be a lot of work.
If moving a bunch of furniture around seems like too much work, fans can always find a sports bar where they will air both games, like Waxy’s Pub in Fort Lauderdale.
“Look as the Panthers and Heat keep churning out these wins,” said Barry Nessom with Waxy’s.
Waxy’s is just getting busier and busier on Wednesday, as the games’ start times grow nearer.
“Even last week, when the Panthers were playing, it was electrifying when they beat the Bruins,” Nessom said.
“I’m really excited for two South Florida teams to be doing really well in the playoffs,” sports fan Erica Homon said. “Yeah, [I’m] hopefully gonna come here and watch both games tonight.”
“Go, Florida, like, let’s get all the teams in the finals, yeah,” sports fan Iris Saleh said.
What a night it’ll be in South Florida.
“It’s going to be amazing. It’s just the momentum pushing all the way through,” Nessom said. “As the Panthers get better and the Heat do better, more people come in, and it’s great to get behind the teams.”
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