ATLANTA (WSVN) — U.S. Marshals have found 39 missing children in Georgia after a two-week-long operation.

According to the U.S. Marshals Service, the mission, titled “Operation Not Forgotten,” resulted in the rescue of 26 children, the safe location of 13 children and the arrest of nine suspects.

Investigators said they cleared 26 arrest warrants and filed additional charges for alleged crimes related to sex trafficking, parental kidnapping, registered sex offender violations, drugs and weapons possession, and custodial interference.

“These missing children were considered to be some of the most at-risk and challenging recovery cases in the area, based on indications of high-risk factors such as victimization of child sex trafficking, child exploitation, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and medical or mental health conditions,” authorities said. “Other children were located at the request of law enforcement to ensure their wellbeing.”

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