HAYDEN, Id. (WSVN) — A photo of three boys taking down the U.S. flag at their school is quickly spreading on social media.
Amanda Reallan drove to Hayden Meadows Elementary last Wednesday afternoon to pick up her kids. While waiting in the school’s parking lot, she watched as three boys worked together to fold the flag.
The fifth graders had a hard time trying to keep the flag from touching the ground, so one of the boys laid down on the pavement to act as a barrier.
That’s when Reallan snapped a photo and shared it on the school’s Facebook page, calling it an “amazing act of patriotism.”
Over 22,000 people shared Reallan’s photo.
“If you let it touch the ground then you disrespect our country is what I heard,” said Jack LeBreck, one of the boys in the photo, to KHQ-TV.
The boys, all members of the Cub Scouts, said they learned about the importance of taking care of the flag from Mac McCarty, a 20-year Air Force veteran and the school’s custodian.
McCarty chose the boys for flag duty, teaching them how to properly fold and store the flag.
“It’s really a great privilege, I feel really lucky I was chosen for it,” Casey Dolan told KREM.
McCarty says the students did a great job honoring the flag in a creative way.
“They did themselves proud, they did their families proud, they did their school proud, and I am very proud of them,” McCarty said.
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