(WSVN) - You might soon be able to visit Marijuanaville.
A pot paradise could be in the works after an Arizona-based cannabis product company bought a town in California with the hopes of creating a marijuana resort.
Fox 10 Phoenix reports that the company, called American Green, purchased the town of Nipton near the border of California and Nevada, located 64 miles south of Las Vegas.
American Green bought the town’s 80 acres of land for $5 million. Nipton, a town of just 16 people, has a shop, diner, five-room hotel and one-room schoolhouse. But the company has grand plans for their newly-purchased land.
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“We’re looking at shifting the emphasis to hospitality, and to welcoming people in to enjoy what’s a mineral and historically rich place of great beauty which embraces cannabis and non-cannabis users alike,” said American Green consultant Stephen Shearin.
The company says they want to draw tourists in, and plan to build hotel rooms, spas, and offer entertainment options. All of this is in preparation for California’s recreational marijuana law, which takes effect in January of 2018.
Because Nipton is unincorporated, the town will not be able to grow and sell cannabis openly. But that could change if they incorporate, a task that is on the backburner for now, Fox 10 reports.
American Green says they will hold a grand re-opening of the town next month, and plan to build more facilities, including a possible amphitheater. The company says that if the town does get into the distribution of cannabis, they hope the railroad tracks that go through the town can be used as an easy method of shipment.
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