SEATTLE (WSVN) — A Seattle man has been acused of klilling his brother with a four-foot-long sword.
According to the Seattle Times, 26-year-old Buckey Wolfe is accused of killing his brother, James Wolfe with a sword in their Seattle home.
According to court documents, Wolfe called police and told a dispatcher he killed his brother because he though he was a lizard.
Wolfe reportedly rammbled, saying “Kill me, kill me, I can’t live in this reality,” and “God told me he was a lizard.”
During an interview with police, Wolfe, who said he had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, told detectives “that their eyes and mouths were changing and asked if they could see lizards in the room.”
Wolfe is being held on a $1 million bail, but prosecutors have since requested that he be held without bail due to the danger he poses to the community.
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