(CNN) — Former presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama made headlines last week for their implicit criticism of President Trump.
But Trump may have found an unlikely ally in former Democratic President Jimmy Carter
In a recent New York Times interview, Carter defended Trump and offered to help the administration’s foreign policy efforts in North Korea.
The 93-year-old said he would be willing to visit North Korea on Trump’s behalf, amid ongoing nuclear tensions.
The White House said Monday it is open to discussing a role for the former president.
Carter helped defuse the first North Korean nuclear crisis, paving the way for a 1994 deal in which Pyongyang pledged to give up its nuclear weapons in return for aid.
And while Carter says he does think Trump is deepening racial divisions in the U.S., he appeared to at least partially agree on the national anthem, saying NFL players should stand while the “Star-Spangled Banner” is played before games.
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